We all heard The Game's single from his new album "Wouldn't Get Far". Pretty Catchy song right. It contains a beat and a verse from Kanye West, and has critical, comical lyrics that serve as a commentary on all of the women in the industry that use their promiscuous nature to get ahead (no pun intended) in the music and modelling industries. Now, a rapper that has sold over 6 million copies worldwide in less than two years probably knows something about industry women. Following the release, we all heard the backlash from Melyssa Ford. It goes something like this “I am really confused and saddened that he decided to include my name on a record that disparages the characters of women who have worked hard in the industry to make successful careers for themselves.” It then went on to point out that she in fact does not drive a honda accord, as stated in the song . My question is this: Have you ever seen anything involving Melyssa Ford that did not include a picture or video of her strutting around nearly naked? If it exists, it's rare. I have no problems with the way she presents herself, nor am I saying that The Game is any kind of positive influence, but i will say this: Melyssa Ford is about as good for the image of women as The Game is for men. That isn't saying much. She claims that it "disparages the characters of women who have worked hard in the industry to make careers for themselves", but come on, don't you think that she did enough of that herself with all of her video appearances and videos. Do you think people are watching her videos because she has some sort of talent or because she has something intelligent to say? No, they buy it because she walks around in lingerie in extremely sexually suggestive poses. Is Melyssa Ford good looking?Yeah. Is The Game a hypocrite? Probably. But for her to come out and pretend to be some sort of positive influence on women who want to succeed in life, then it needs to be settled that she is in fact, just as bad of an influence for little girls as any gangster rapper is for little boys. You want a positive African American role model for women, don't go looking for the extras in rap videos. Try the likes of genius poet Maya Angelou or self-made talented rap artist Missy Elliot.
Thats it, all love, i'm out.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Melyssa Ford Critical of The Game, Needs To Check Herself
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8:31 PM
Labels: Hip Hop Beefs, Kareem, Melyssa Ford, The Game DiggIt! Del.icio.us
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Im impressed. I really like your first post. And i totally agree with the fact that Melissa Ford is trying to put herself in a category that she is not even close to. Keep up the good work.
Great first post man, finally some one who knows how to write a quality article...A+. Of course no one is better than me though.....lol
Being good looking is not a talent, but it is a gift, and she has used to get a head in life....no pun intended....deja vu...lol. The game is just trying to sell records and is doing what most rappers do anyway..which is to make shit up, thats no big surprise. None of these guys are role models.
Melissa Ford is pippin a 6 series, I don't know what the hell The Game is talking about.
first of all she is right! and u r wrong! like please! im sooooooo tired of the misogynism in hip hop! game is lame and a hater! she'sright, the girls he's talking about including herself are women that make money off of how they look! so u sound stupid trying to discredit her when she gets paid to look sexy. you sound just as dumb as game. let these girls eat and get their $$$ thats what they do. game sounds dumb too...the videos would be wack without the video girl so gimme a got damm break. game is a dumbass! and so r u for your dumb ass article
Lady, you missed the whole point of the article. It's not dissing Melyssa Ford at all nor is it promoting the game. Its saying neither of them are doing anything positive. Actually read it, then make an intelligent response.
i agree with anonymous he isnt getting on neither side melissa ford and the game arent role models she gets paid for her looks and shaking her shit he gets paid for selling records rappers talk shit about people all the time true or not im sure she doesnt drive a honda she wouldnt be melissa ford if she did i can understand her getting mad though noone wants someone talking shit about them on a album its not like she a prostitute its no different than beyonce shaking her ass everytime she performs
The first article is ridiculous. I'm 100 percent sure that Melyssa Ford and all models and video girls are well aware of what they are being paid to do and that is to look good. Melyssa has made it to another level. There are milions of attractive people who would kill to be in her position that aren't smart enough, don't have the drive, or aren't willing to risk what it takes to get there. So the Game or anyone else for that matter doesn't need "to hate." Which is all that this sounds like to me, is uglier dumber people with less drive jealous trying to sound like intellectuals. Once you have made it to the level that Melyssa ford has you have at least earned to right to clear your name when someone throws dirt at it. Also to say that supermodels and rappers are only "bad for little girls and little boys" for lack of a better term is Bullshit! Perhaps Kareem and all those that agree should take a better look at themselbe and the world in which we live in. Perhaps they don't live on the same Earth where people like Cindy Crawford and Jay-Z don't do great thing for charity and give back to society. Next time do your homework before you post stupid comments.
Hello. And Bye.
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