I don't know if this is for real or how many people have seen it already, but I received this in my email today and since it has something to do with hip hop and one of the biggest artist in hip hop, I figured I should post it.
"What a shame indeed!!!!? And all these other strong black men - looking the other way - are so useless. Couldn't someone give him a real heavy slap to stop him? Oh African/black women - these are "Some" of our men, whom we call beloved - humiliating and degrading us all the time in public. How disgraceful??? One of the reasons black women keep on opening up our beautiful hearts to other options elsewhere?! Strip him of his money and he is just another uncultured "BUNDU BOY - CAVEMAN WITH AN AXE"!! I feel like puking!

Please send this to everyone you know..........he should be held accountable for this one!!!!!
For all you Jay-Z fans. Is this the way we want our South African women to be treated??? How would he feel if his mother/sister/or his precious Beyonce were treated in this fashion? A room full of "men" and nobody does anything. This is surely going to taint his image. They said that he tried to pay the lady off quickly so that it didn't get out.
Guess they were too late!"
I did not change anything, this is exactly how I received it, feel free to use the email link below if you feel like sending it to a friend.
that clip/pic is from the backstage dvd not some south africa.its 7 yeas old!that lady also aint no photographer,she was at the time a roc exec.u need to send that shit back to the morons who sent it to u.funny how they even put up a new fake story or new location(africa this time around) whenever Jay-Z has a new album out.has no audio so unsuspecting ppl can easily be misled.they were just playfighting,no fly was hurt in the making of the clip!
I sent this page DIRECTLY to Jay, so he could take a look for himself, trust me, as someone close to his heart I was totally offended by what I saw...
And I contacted Roc*a*fella, directly to tell them how I felt...
This clip is old as hell and they were supposedly playing around. The female in the video even came out and said they were playing. It's from the hard knock life tour in 1999. This clip keeps coming up every few years. It was suppose to be in the backstage movie they made but they took it out because people like you woild overreact to it. Somehow a gater got a hold of it and keeps realesing it every time Jay-Z has somthing going on.
^^its on TWO MONTHS TOO LONG(chapter 14 backstage).this is really nothing new,it pops up everytime Jay-Z has an album out or makes headlines(2001-the blueprint,02-blueprint 2,03-the black album,04-05dj president,06-kingdom come.welcome to the world.most jay-z or hiphop fans know this by now.they even had to issue some statement on the rocafella website about this-waaay before he went to africa(september-october 06).hell even jaz-0 is in the clip!
This is totally insane. I don't give a damn whether this happened last week, last year or ten years ago. This man is awful. Period. Dumb ass beyonce still deals with a man that has NOTHING kind, or respectful to say about black women. He obviously hates black women. Why don't black women notice this?
^^no dummy,no one was hurt in the making of that clip,thats why u need to see it with its relevant audio!im sure his ex-girlfriends eg blu cantrell would have said that by now.how can anyone hate the coolest person on the planet.u need to stop drinking that hate and ignorance juice.
That really is a clip from the Backstage Hard Knock Life Tour DVD...it really was a joke...funny how people can get a offended by something like this...not find out all the facts...and not be outraged by other relevant issues that are very blatent...soon they will all forget and gossip about some other unimportant or completely made up story
i saw this a couple of years ago..& i must say that Bee needs to Look out before he slaps her....because this is real fucked up
yo, he got on shorty's head like some headphones!!!!!! props 2 jay
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